I was supposed to post this up last night but fell asleep, so here it is!
PLEASE BE PATIENT AND WAIT FOR PHOTOS TO LOAD ^_^ VERY image heavy, i've uploaded ALL the photos taken yesterday
We reached school at 6:30 to rehearse and prepare ourselves. The doors were all locked, so the guys took out the pieces of glass from the window, sheena climbed in first while the rest followed. Some of us stayed out of the class with Yingzhi before the door was opened.
All the girls of 4L had a piece of red cloth tied around their heads and looked like guniangs. :D It looked really...festive 'cause of our red coloured shirts too :]
Before we set off for the parade square, some of us helped to paint stars on the girls' faces complete with pretty glitter. In the end, I had to paint the star on my own face cause everybody was leaving lol.
4L! LOVE (sheena can come up with the rest HAHA)
(spot weyjian LOL)
Felicia sent them to me so I can pass them to you guys! (click to view and save)
Our cheer was pretty good IMO, I thought 4F's one was great cause the star was really really cool and pretty! the whole idea haha. Not to mention PCK and some zai and loud cheers from 4JK.
We didn't win, but none of us minded because its the first time we've seen the class so bonded. Our last performance together. I think the thought of this made everybody put in their very best, that's what matters most.
You can view it from Yingzhi's blog :D
Sang nila utama,
saw a lion alamak,
named the island Singapura
then run very far.
Last time we had lee kuan yew
now is his son lee hsien long
they run party PAP,
Singapore is 43!
We live in singapura,
its not perfect living
but at least its interesting
We live in singapura,
though its kinda crazy
we win other country.
Sheena: 5,6,7,8!
white yellow brown black
don't respect you kena whack
or Mas selamat will come attack (chongrui walks out with MS mask)
and Singapore will be reduced to slag
Some say lah, some say leh
Utama say, don't play play
Everybody, we've got a part to play
To sing Mari kita on national day"
Edmund's very beautifully drawn lion coloured in by terie (top) and my papercut lion (bottom).
They were saying how mine would DEFINITELY lose if they were to fight haha. Duh, mine looks like a pillow and edmund's one looks damn fierce and mighty LOL
The 6 strands of whiskers which I painstakingly cut out and stuck on the lion the night before were reduced to 2. HAHAHA. thanks ah, i think haonan was using it to fan himself throughout. I don't mind the gusts of wind man lolol.
Remember how yelaoshi said he'd give us remedials (whole class) if we didn't win?
Well, we didn't, and we SCREAMED AND SHOUTED for him across the parade square;
He was smiling as he walked towards us k, said something about how he'll treat us to chocolates on tuesday. WE LIKE YELAOSHI because he's not as mean as most of you think!
Yeahman, as Terie says, our class is not cut out to win these competitions, cause we're bonded in other ways like this. Even though its just shouting together across the parade square for a teacher, I felt so happy then.
I re-re quote from Chinyee (who quoted from grace): "made me feel damn "warm and fuzzy" inside. Aw.". That was exactly how I felt too! :D
We also have loads of enthu people like weyjian who painted his whole face! I wanted to take a picture but he ran away before that so..you can get them from my other classmates' blogs ^_^
&, this is the FIRST time i'm participating in the school's NDP as the AUDIENCE and not a performer. Forgot to take a picture of the choir, but you guys looked great k :D
After the celebration, we trooped back up to class to watch the tree planting ceremony. We didn't bother to watch, and everybody took pictures instead.
Sorry there's so many photos of me k, I really want to keep these as memories, and posting them up on my blog is different from just dumping it into the com. (I don't usually like to put so many photos of myself -__-)

Ngik, Leonana, Feliciaberrycia, EmmaBanana, Christinaa, JUnette, Yipeng! (where's vanessa?)

you can consider this the girls' class comm picture :D
took pictures of others hahh ;D
Annia and I set this as our next wallpaper :

this is the 4th one, if i'm not wrong ^_^

and here's kaikai! :D and me hahaha
Teriechen XIXI and me! (The rest are in her phone :D)
JeanLIET and emMEO/ JUnette and ROma! (romeo and juliet lah)
KISSING! (like how we always do it HAHA)
k, we look normal here hahah
my dearest JUnette (SMOOOCH)
soutehana hanasanaide, hanasanaide (her zhao pai song)
feliciaBerrycia and emmaBanana! :D
sleepy and momo's missing from picture though :/

Christina! :D I TOTALLY do not look like myself here, must be christina's phone hahah.
and when yipeng and I were trying to take one...
stupid leona came to kiss her instead! o_O
hohoho! I look like her kid or something HAHA.
chinyee, baochuan and I! :D
we look happpyyyyy hmm!
I like this picture too cause GRACEEE and I look happy too! :D

ho, candid shot at the back, aye!

another one! :D


another one again! (leongying likes to take double shots i realised LOL)
My eyes >> O-o
but its okay since its the only photo I have with Sheena Girlfriendzxzx hahaha!
with YINGZHI! :D
2nd shot hahah! ^_^
Haonan! (who purposely gave a spastic smile omg haha)
I haven't taken a picture with Wanzhen and Felicia and Vanessa and all the guys in 4L D:
Its alright mannn, we have a class photo! :D

Isabel wanted to take a photo OF me, but I said NOWAYYY!
here's one of the VERYVERY FEW photos we've taken together! :D
LeonaQuek! :D

with Leona and Kaikai! :D they look so cute hahaha!
with kaikai againnn! ^_^
After the celebration, I walked down the hill with ANNIA SIYUN KAIYING ASHLEY XINHUI!
We had lunch at kobayashi, where I could only finish half a bowl of noodles even though i was STARVING LIKE HELL. something's wrong with my appetite. Seriously. I NEED TO EAT MORE THAN THAT!!!!!
While yunyun headed off for home, the rest of us walked to Ashley's house for a game of BRIDGE!
Annia and I didn't know no nuts or shit about it, so THANKS to the rest for teaching us! Sorry I seemed like I don't have much interest eh, cause I really couldn't get it at first and felt damn demoralised ):
Annia left at 2, while we continued playing. I took a LOONNGG time to be able to get a little hang of it, so sorry aye! They were being really patient though, so thanks again, sorry I kept complaining and stuff ah! It got fun towards the end and I know abit better about the game now so lets play again soonn! :D My class will always welcome you guys LOL!
kaikai took this while I was, "studying".
Studying = memorising 1/6 of the mindmap under tourism.
We left ashley's house at 5+, and had played MANY games of bridge and ONE game of daidi by then. Not to forget THREE lame games of snap. :D K it was a fun dayyyyy!
and I got SO TIRED at night, I fell asleep.
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